Legal Workforce Challenges During COVID-19
Are you having legal workforce challenges during COVID-19? Here are a few ways Collier Legal Search can help. During these challenging times, we are beginning to see our law firm clients make plans for long-term business sustainability. For many firms, they are working remotely 100% of the time. Some have “essential” business to do on-site and have therefore allowed key employees to return. Still, other firms are beginning to either furlough employees and/or RIFs are beginning to take place. Conservatism taking hold in all instances, we had some creative ideas to possibly assist you during this COVID-19 era. WORKING REMOTELY – SPECIAL PROJECTS/ASSIGNMENTS Many of our law firm clients have employees working remotely. For some, it has been a challenge. Other firms are accustomed to the idea of remote work. For example, Collier Legal often employs project attorneys on document review assignments; these same legal professionals consistently work remotely. Transparency and accountability are key throughout this process. Consider the use of one of our legal professionals to perform any task you need to have completed. We have legal professionals set up to do any kind of task including: Document Review/Production Work Medical Document Summaries (RN Paralegals, Etc.) E-Filing Matters Briefing Work/Research and Writing Deposition Summaries Transcription Legal Editing/RedliningYes Due Diligence Support and More We will tailor the assignment and rates to fit your situation bearing in mind the economic and workforce challenges of the C-19 era. REDUCTION – IN – FORCE Consider that your RIFd employees are often very informed about your clients and your practice. You have trained them; you have invested in them; your employees have worked hard. But for recent events, these employees would be consistently producing at your law office. Production leads to billings, which leads to invoicing then collections— all of it keeps the business of law going. The business decision to cut overhead through a Reduction-In-Force is understandable. These are difficult times. It’s unfortunate for everyone involved because these same employees are often more than just “overhead.” Consider as part of your business plan, that Collier Legal can help through our payroll service. If you need to cut overhead but would like to keep your trained employees active, then we can help design a payroll solution for you. It may even work out so that you can charge your clients a bit less per hour, for now – should that be something you want to offer. Regardless, we will assuredly try to assist any employee you may be downsizing. Please do not hesitate to give my contact information to anyone who may need help during a RIF. NO MATTER THE LEGAL WORKFORCE CHALLENGES your law practice may be facing, Collier Legal wants to support you and your team in a way that we can. We commit to being as economical as possible while not sacrificing our level of service. Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time, day or night. Kay Egger, Founder
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